Sell internationally in one click with eBaymag, it’s FREE!

List your items on eBay international sites, manage orders and optimize shipping

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eBaymag is an effective way...

To manage your listings

Import existing eBay listings or create new ones — one by one or in bulk

To sell items abroad

List your items on 8 eBay sites:,, and others. Your listings will be translated into the appropriate language automatically

To coordinate orders routine

Combine items into a single shipment or split items into multiple shipments in a way that is good for both you and the buyer

To reach out to new shoppers

39 mln buyers in Great Britain, 23 mln in Germany, 6 mln in Italy, and 4.5 mln in France can purchase from you tomorrow

Simple solution to increase sales

132 million active shoppers worldwide will see your listings

Get started in 3 steps:

1Sign in with eBay account

2Add listings and manage them easily

3Ship orders worldwide and make a profit

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Still have questions?

If you need more information about eBaymag, consult the FAQ page or the eBaymag Help Center
eBay can still charge insertion fees, if you exceed your monthly zero insertion fee listings allotment. Learn more
eBaymag posts only listings that are not legally restricted and/or do not violate eBay's rules.
You can switch back to sales via the standard eBay interface anytime after eBaymag activation.